We root for all kids
“We root for all kids: the explorers, the misfits, the brave ones and the poets. We believe in adventures, field trips, never-ending curiosity and letting kids be kids.”
Being Mainio
Being Mainio is about being bold. Staying true to your attitude. Treating the world and its beings with compassion and kindness. Respecting the environment. We want you to be who you truly are.
We want to give you courage to break down boundaries and defeat stereotypes; inspire you and help you inspire others around you with your courage and softness.
This one goes out to you – however young, old, big or small you are and no matter where you are.
Go change the world. We'll join you on your adventures.
The Mainio Community
The Mainio Community is you. Our little and big customers. Our collaborators. Our partners near and far, who make our clothes and accessories. Our social media community. Our retailers. It’s all of our different people and their different ways that make our community unique. We will always champion togetherness because we believe that together we can do anything. Welcome to our community, we are thrilled to have you!

The Mainio Team
Mainio is a labour of love and teamwork. Although each member of our team has their own responsibilities, we always work together, fuelled by a relaxed culture that allows creativity to flourish. Everything we do is rooted in a never-ending curiosity and respect towards our unique quirks. That’s what we call Mainio.
The Home of Mainio
We come from Helsinki, the capital of Finland, by the shores of the chilly Baltic Sea. Our very own little home that doubles as a studio and shop is located by Helsinki’s Meatpacking District. In the summer, you’ll find us picking edible flowers and herbs from the District’s garden and in the winter we’ll be by the shore, enjoying the breeze from the sea. It is where we write our stories, plan our adventures and draw our new collections. Come say hi, we’d love to show you our universe.

The Mainio Way To See The World
Mainio champions a better future. The idea from the brand's very beginning was to choose ethical and ecological materials and to only work with partners who take responsibility for the wellbeing of their employees and our planet. That vision became Mainio's core, a value that we still embrace. We know our partners like the backs of our hands and will always stand for openness, transparency and togetherness.